Engage. Inspire. Empower.

The Health & Safety of our Staff & Students is a Top Priority

Stop sign that says %22Stop. All Visitors Must Sign In At Front Office%22

Staff & Student Safety is Key

We take proactive steps to ensure the safety of every student, teacher, and staff member relying on both state-of-the-art and common-sense solutions to protect our schools. 

Before school and at dismissal, we only allow students to enter and exit through the front and cafeteria doors that teachers, administrators, and school resource officers monitor.

Once the morning bell rings, visitors may only enter through our front entrance, which is secured with video cameras and a double-entry system known as a "sally port."

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, at this time, visitors are only allowed to pick students up for early dismissal.Visitors are not permitted past the office area.Visitors are required to show identification, have temperature checked and wear a mask upon entering the building.

In addition to an extensive video camera surveillance of our buildings, all of our exterior doors feature an electronic key system that records door opening activity by all staff members. 

As yet another layer of security, we are proud to partner with the Catawba County Sheriff's Department to have a School Resource Officer (SRO) on campus all day, every day, to ensure our staff and student's safety. 

Learn more on our district website

Young girl sneezes into tissue

Keeping Our Staff & Students Healthy is Vital

Keeping our staff and students healthy is more important than ever. You can rest assured that even prior to the pandemic, we adhered to all state and federally recommended steps to help our students, teachers, and visitors remain healthy.

As the COVID-19 best practices continue evolve, so do our procedures. We work side-by-side with the Catawba County Department of Public Health to ensure that we are following the CDC's and North Carolina Department of Public Health's latest guidelines for school districts. 

Of course, we encourage our students, teachers, and staff who are not feeling well to stay home. Please explore the links below to learn more.

See Something, Say Something

"See Something, Say Something" Anonymous Reporting System

See Something Say Something CCS Logo

This service is designed to help you anonymously and securely report anything that's scaring or endangering you, your friends or your family. You don't need to be afraid to contact us. You never have to give us your name if you don't want to.

We take your security seriously at Catawba County Schools, and we will do everything we can to resolve your concern as quickly and as safely as possible.

  • In the event of an Emergency Dial 9-1-1
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255
  • The Anonymous Tip Line is monitored Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Click here to send your Anonymous Tip